1,025 research outputs found

    Demographic Transformation and the Future of Museums

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    In 2009 the Center for the Future of Museums commissioned Betty Farrell to produce a report to explore in more detail the demographic trends in American society and their implications for museums. The report identifies, synthesizes, and interprets existing research on demographics, cultural consumer attitudes, museum diversity practices, and related topics. It is meant to help the museum field explore the future of museums in a "majority minority" society. Topics of inquiry include national demographic projections for the next 25 years with a focus on the shifting racial and ethnic composition of the United States; current patterns of museum attendance (and cultural participation more generally) by race, ethnicity, cultural origin and other relevant factors; culturally/ethnically specific attitudes towards museums, including perceptual and behavioral barriers to museum attendance; ways that museums currently reach out to diverse audiences; specific models and best practices; and larger trends in societal attitudes towards racial and other classifications

    The Methodological Principles of Setting Up Soil Monitoring in Protected Areas

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    The article discusses the methodology of organizing soil monitoring in the territory of Eastern Fennoscandia. The history of developing monitoring studies of soils is presented. The main stages of monitoring are shown. Soil monitoring requires an adequate selection of indicators to match the type of impact and the mission of the monitoring. The importance of complex studies in soil monitoring is shown. It is noted that it is possible to change the monitoring objects in response to the increase in anthropogenic impact. The need for international cooperation in monitoring the natural environment in connection with global climate change is discussed. Continuous and consistent observations based on integrated research are what enable a reliable assessment of the current state of the natural environment in protected areas. This particularly applies to soil monitoring in valuable UNESCO heritage sites (e.g., rock art – White Sea and Lake Onega petroglyphs). Keywords: natural environment, protected areas, soil monitorin

    Directions for transforming enterprise business models by implementing sustainable digital economy

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    Enterprise business models are the object of research in a wide range of economic and management sciences. The value proposition as well as the position in the network of values determine the perceived available options for the transformation of the business model in the context of digitalisation. The aim of the article is to investigate the possible directions of transformation of business models of enterprises under the actualisation of the concept of sustainable development in the digital economy. In order to realize this objective, we analyzed the relevant conceptual and empirical articles, as well as information obtained from extensive empirical research on the conditions of sustainable development of enterprises and changes in consumer values within the framework of the theoretical component. The hypothesis of the study is based on the fact that changes in the values of stakeholders, primarily consumers, determine the transformation of business models. Identifying changes in consumer values in the context of new opportunities to address environmental and social issues provided by digital technologies has allowed us to propose directions for transforming the logic of value creation in business models: transformation of business model components, changes in customization, changes in format management

    Directions for the distribution channels’ transformation in the context of digitalization based on relationship marketing

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    Modern trends associated with increased requirements for the innovative development of enterprises and the use of new digital technologies and changes in consumer behaviour have destroyed traditional distribution chains, which entailed problems in the distribution of products and services during the transformation of market relations. The main goal of this study is to identify and structure the conditions and criteria for integration into the chain of interaction between the manufacturer and the consumer, taking into account digital changes. To do this, within the framework of the theoretical component, we analyze conceptual and empirical articles contained in the Web of Science database, as well as information obtained from the study of articles by Russian academicians in specialized journals, monographs and conference abstracts. We propose to build the empirical component of the article through a threefold conceptual framework to summarize research in this area. Our starting point is identified as associated triggers. This allows enterprise decision-making criteria to be put forward to evaluate different distribution channel options and opportunities for integration. The results obtained in the course of the study provide a deepening of knowledge about the factors that configure the integration of the distribution system, principles of interaction between the subjects of distribution and the corresponding tools to unite interests. In addition, the relationships and connections established among the participats in digital ecosystems are constantly evolving, therefore the study will be able to show the relationship dynamics and help to analyze the development of interaction over time

    Non-equilibrium critical behavior of thin Ising films

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    In this paper we study the non-equilibrium properties of Ising ferromagnetic films using Monte Carlo simulations by short-time dynamic method. We have found thickness dependency of critical exponents z, theta and b/n. Ageing effects were observed in non-equilibrium critical behavior. Former was carried out both from high-temperature and low-temperature initial states. A characteristic time of relaxation, which diverges at a transition temperature in the thermodynamic limit, is obtained as a function of the system size and waiting time

    Система мониторинга природной динамики лесного массива заповедника «Костомукшский»

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    Проведено исследование в заповеднике «Костомукшский» с целью разработки концепции развития сети лесного мониторинга в данном заповеднике. Показано, что в лесном покрове заповедника преобладают сосняки (80,4 % от покрытой лесом площади), далее по доле участия следуют ель (19,1 %) и береза (0,5 %). Экологический спектр лесов заповедника включает 7 групп типов леса с преобладанием черничной группы (67 %) как среди сосняков, так и среди ельников. Хвойные древостои заповедника представлены условно-одновозрастными, относительно- и абсолютно- разновозрастными типами возрастных структур, характеризующими различные этапы посткатастрофического восстановительного сукцессионного цикла и фазы циклической динамики субклимаксовых и климаксовых сообществ. Выявлено, что антропогенно измененные леса располагаются преимущественно в западном, граничащем с Финляндией секторе заповедника. В восточном секторе сконцентрированы малонарушенные массивы северотаежных лесов с хорошо выраженной мозаичной картиной фаз естественной возрастной динамики. Предложено развивать систему лесного мониторинга на базе ланшафтно-типологического и пространственно-временного подходов с учетом субландшафтной структуры природно-территориального комплекса заповедника. Планируется закладывать постоянные пробные площади в границах 3 модельных территорий (участков), а также в разрезе 5 типов леса для сосны и 2 – для ели. Сосновые и еловые сообщества должны быть представлены всеми возрастными группами условно-одновозрастных древостоев (максимум 4 пробные площади), а также не менее чем 1 пробной площадью в каждом типе (подтипе) разновозрастной структуры. Согласно предварительным оценкам, общая численность постоянных пробных площадей в составе сети лесного мониторинга заповедника «Костомукшский» должна быть не менее 98 шт. Такое значительное число опытных объектов необходимо для разработки алгоритма корректировки существующих повыдельных характеристик в аспекте уточнения типа возрастной структуры древостоя и фазы возобновительной динамики. Для цитирования: Раевский Б.В., Ильинов А.А., Медведева М.В., Рудковская О.В. Система мониторинга природной динамики лесного массива заповедника «Костомукшский» // Изв. вузов. Лесн. журн. 2023. № 6. С. 81–101. https://doi.org/10.37482/0536-1036-2023-6-81-10

    Doping Dependence of Spin-Lattice Coupling and Two-Dimensional Ordering in Multiferroic Hexagonal Y₁₋ₓLuₓMnO₃ (0 ≤ x ≤ 1)

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    We have examined a complete phase diagram of Y1-x Lu xMnO3 with 0≤x≤1 by using bulk measurements and neutron-diffraction studies. With increasing Lu concentration, Curie-Weiss temperature and Neel temperature are found to increase continuously while the two-dimensional nature of short-range magnetic correlation persists even in the paramagnetic phase throughout the entire doping range. At the same time, the lattice constants and the unit-cell volume get contracted with Lu doping, i.e., chemical pressure effect. This decrease in the lattice constants and the unit-cell volume then leads naturally to an increased magnetic exchange interaction as found in our local spin-density approximation band calculations. We also discover that there is strong correlation in the temperature dependence of a volume anomaly at TN and the magnetic moments